>My Spirit Scarf Gives me Superpowers

>The playoffs are approaching and it’s time for hockey moms to step it up. Remember, it’s our duty to our children to give 110% toward looking cuter than the other moms on the team.

One accessory we’ve been rocking big time is the all important spirit scarf… ok, we didn’t know it was called that until we heard it at our tournament last weekend. But we love it. Most of us have these scarves courtesy of our crafty and thoughtful friend Danielle. They are three long pieces of fleece sewn together down the middle and then cut every few inches to create a fringy look. Danielle- Hermes has nothing on you baby. Plenty of other teams around Rhode Island have these made in their own colors and we see them all the time. Posers.

I could write a book, not a blog about how I ran around town last weekend with the world’s heaviest cake (don’t doubt me, the thing was ridiculous), thru like an inch of snow, from a tied Mite game to a super heated one goal squirt game complete with bench penalties, punches and complete mayhem and got an opposing mom to help me with the damn cake. If I were to write that book it would be called “My Spirit Scarf Gives Me Superpowers”.

I’ve decided for the playoffs I am going to break out my Blair Waldorf inspired white coat (from Victoria’s Secret catalog, I also have light pink, very good deal). I think its a nice fresh way to wear your spirit scarf. Bring it mamas!!!!!

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2 Responses to >My Spirit Scarf Gives me Superpowers

  1. Veronica Lee says:

    >Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.Have a nice day!

  2. Pingback: The last day of Mite Hockey, for a little while | Cowbells and Dreams…the hockey mom blog

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